Every 2nd Sunday Offering goes to the Monthly Mission.
Last Sunday Mission offering- Loaves and Fishes and Missionary Erin Magada from Petros Zoe Initiative in Uganda -Youth Community Centers, Early Childhood
Development Center, Teenage Pregnancy Center, etc.
240th Anniversary celebration will be on Sunday, October 22, at 2pm.
Our Bishop LaTrelle Easterling will be a guest speaker.
Pastor YuJung is holding a new membership class in September. If you are interested in joining the church, please see Pastor YuJung
240th Anniversary preparation meeting is on Thursday, September 14, at 6pm
Nominations Committee meeting is on Thursday, September 14, at 6:30pm.
SPRC meeting is on Thursday, September 14, at 7 pm.
Council meeting is on Thursday, September 21, at 7pm
Friday, September 29- Loaves & Fishes, Lunch packing at 6pm at Stone Chapel
Saturday, September 30- Loaves & Fishes @ 10:30 am at
Westminster Church of the Brethren.
Church Conference- on Saturday, October 7, at 2:45 pm at Deer Park UMC.
First Saturday Night Bluegrass concert with “Carroll County Ramblers” is
Saturday October 7, at 7pm.