Every 2nd Sunday of Offering goes to the Month Mission. The Month of July Mission Offering goes to Westminster Rescue that provides rehabilitation and counseling programs and supports a food pantry in Westminster, MD.
Every last Sunday Mission offering- Loaves and Fishes and Missionary Erin Magada from Petros Zoe Initiative in Uganda -Youth Community Centers, Early Childhood Development Center, Teenage Pregnancy Center and etc.
Please sign up for being a leader and a reader for worship service. The sign-up sheet on the back table.
Help is needed: Later this year, we will need someone to arrange & print the bulletins, someone to take over the head trustee duties, & someone to help Sue Blizzard with cemetery upkeep. Call or email John Cullom for questions or info. cullomjr@comcast.net 443-398-0814
We are going to have a short meeting about the Collaborative Hub on Sunday, July 28, following the service.
Council meeting is on Thursday, August 22, at 7 pm.
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