Every 2nd Sunday Offering goes to the Monthly Mission. The Month of
December Mission Offering- New Life for Girls: Teaching girls a new way of life free from alcohol, drug, addiction, and abuse.
Last Sunday Mission offering- Loaves and Fishes and Missionary Erin Magada from Petros Zoe Initiative in Uganda -Youth Community Centers, Early Childhood
Development Center, Teenage Pregnancy Center, etc.
Please sign up to be a leader and reader for worship service.
The sign-up sheet is on the back table.
Four-Week Advent Bible Study will be on Wednesday, 12/20 at 1pm at
Stone Chapel.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service is at 6pm at Stone Chapel.
Friday, December 29th- Loaves & Fishes, Lunch packing at 5:30pm at Stone Chapel
Saturday, December 30th- Loaves & Fishes @ 10:30 am @ Westminster Church of the Brethren.
SPRC meeting will be on Thursday, January 18, at 6 pm with the
council meeting following at 7 pm.