Every 2nd Sunday Offering goes to the Monthly Mission.
The Month of April Mission Offering is for the UMC Mission that supports worldwide disaster relief.
Last Sunday Mission offering- Loaves and Fishes and Missionary Erin Magada from Petros Zoe Initiative in Uganda -Youth Community Centers, Early Childhood
Development Center, Teenage Pregnancy Center, etc.
Confirmation class is on Tuesday, April 11, at 4pm at Zion Social Hall.
Revelation Bible Study is on Wed. April 5 at 7pm at the Social Hall at Stone Chapel
Holy Thursday Service- April 6, at 7pm at Zion
Good Friday Service – April 7, at 7pm at Stone Chapel
Sunrise Service- April 9, at 6:30 am at Stone Chapel with refreshments afterwards.
240th Anniversary preparation meeting is on Thursday, April 13, at 6pm at Social Hall. Everyone is welcome.
“Living Cross” drama “The Prodigals” on April 2nd, 4th, 6th, and/or 7th, at 7 pm
at Church of the Open Door.
There is a signup sheet if you would like to purchase Easter flowers for the altar. Indicate if it is in memory of or in honor of, for whom, & the list will be printed in the Easter bulletin.
Friday, April 28- Loaves & Fishes, Lunch packing at 6pm at Stone Chapel
Saturday, April 29- Loaves & Fishes @ 10:30 am @ Westminster Church of the Brethren.