1. Every 2nd Sunday of Offering goes to the Month Mission. The Month of December Mission Offering- New Life for Girls: Teaching girls a new way of life free from alcohol, drug, addiction, and abuse.
2. Every last Sunday Mission offering- Missionary Erin Magada from Petros Zoe Initiative in Uganda -Youth Community Centers, Early Childhood Development Center, Teenage Pregnancy Center and etc.
3. Four weeks Advent Small Group starts on Wednesday, 12/7, 12/14, and 12/21 at 7pm at Zion in person and virtually as well.
4. Strawbridge Shrine annual Candlelight Advent Worship
Service, on Sunday, December 11th, at 4:00 p.m.
5. Christmas Hymns Sunday- December 11 starts at 5 pm with Potluck dinner and service at 6pm.
6. Blue Christmas Service: Sunday, December 18th, 3:00p.m. This is an Ecumenical Community service held at St. Paul UMC in New Windsor, 200 Main St, New Windsor, MD 21776. Blue Christmas service provides a quiet and contemplative worship service as an alternative to the more traditional gatherings. This is in honor of those who are experiencing grief and struggling with loss
7. Zion Restaurant Cards are available. If you are interested, see Sue Stultz.
8. Christmas Flowers, Poinsettias order- please sign up on the sheet on the bulletin board in the social hall.
9. Christmas Eve Service with the candle lighting at 11pm. NO CHRISTMAS SUNDAY SERVICE.
10. Friday, December 30th- Loaves & Fishes, Lunch packing at 6pm at Stone Chapel
11. Saturday, December 31st- Loaves & Fishes @ 10:30 am @ Westminster Church of the Brethren.
12. Ron Zepp who is a Certified Lay Servant will be preaching on Sunday, December 11th.