Our Christmas Eve Service will be a Candlelight Service at 11pm.
If anyone is not currently receiving offering envelopes & would like to, please see Cathy Cagle.
Next Prayer Meeting is Wed. Jan 15th, 2020 at 6:30 pm, with the Council meeting immediately following at 7pm.
In case of snow/ice, call the church voicemail (410-635-2102), to see if services are cancelled. Cancellations will be posted on Facebook and the Church website, https://www.stone-chapel.org/
Training Tuesdays are for those who are in the Stone Chapel Committee by ZOOM, (online training) on Tuesdays starting in November-January from 7-8:30 pm. (recordings available after live webinar). visit: www.bwcumc.org/events/training-tuesdays/
There will be a signup sheet in the social hall soon if you’d like to purchase a poinsettia for the altar. Indicate if it is in memory of or in honor of, for whom, & the list will be printed in the bulletin. They are $8 each