Please sign up for lighting of Advent Candle. Pastor YuJung will provide the reading materials.
Our next bluegrass show will be Saturday, December 7, starring Iron Ridge. Doors open @ 5, concert @ 7pm. Any & all help is appreciated.
Dec 8, Strawbridge Shrine Christmas Candlelight & Carols Service- 4:30 p.m. at Strawbridge Lane off Wakefield Valley Road, New Windsor Md. 21776
Our next Prayer Meeting is Wed. Dec. 11th at 6:30 pm, with Bible Study immediately following at 7pm.
Christmas Hymn Sing- December 15 at 5 pm with singing followed by a potluck dinner.
Advent Bible Study will be on Wednesdays, 12/4, 12/11, & 12/18, at 7pm. Bring the book, “Faithful: Christmas through the Eyes of Joseph” and your Bible.
Our Christmas Eve Service will be a Candlelight Service at 11pm.
Training Tuesdays are for those who are in the Stone Chapel Committee by ZOOM, (online training) on Tuesdays starting in November-January from 7-8:30 pm. (recordings available after live webinar). visit:
Ronnie Little is collecting child & senior stockings for Shephard’s Staff. Info to come.
There will be a signup sheet in the social hall soon if you’d like to purchase a poinsettia for the altar. Indicate if it is in memory of or in honor of, for whom, & the list will be printed in the bulletin. They are $8 each.
Holiday Benefit Concert (December 14th)
NESAP and The Shepherds Staff present a Holiday Benefit Concert and Community Sing, Assembled by Masterworks Chorale of Carroll County on December 14, 2019 at 7:30 p.m. Immanuel Lutheran Church in Manchester, MD. Admission is free but tickets are required and can be obtained by registering at A charitable donation of personal care essentials, wipes, baby items, or nonperishable food items will be your entrance fee. A free-will offering will be taken. All items go to NESAP and The Shepherds Staff. Inclement weather or emergency notifications will be available at 410-857-5944 on The Shepherds Staff, NESAP and Masterworks Chorale.